Saturday, September 17, 2011

Facebook To Introduce Status Updates to Twitter

Facebook recently hinted in a guide for "Subscribe for Public Figures" on its Developer page that individuals will soon able to sent status update to their Twitter account directly from Facebook.

Facebook on their "Facebook and Public Figure" page released a Subscription guide which indicates that status updates from individual profile to Twitter will soon be available for public posts.

It hints as,

FAQ : "Can I update my Twitter followers from Facebook?
A : Yes, soon you'll be able to update your Twitter account directly from Facebook.

For sometime now this feature is available for Facebook "Pages" only. Updates from your pages can be sent directly to your Twitter account for your followers. For this feature you have to "Link your Facebook Page to Twitter Account".

Since now Facebook has launched the "Subscribe Option" for all your public posts, this will be an add-on feature that will allow you to share all your updates to your Twitter account directly from Facebook. This feature will soon be available for your all public post as hinted in document released.

This will be a great move for both the services. Anyone who loves both services Facebook and Twitter, will feel great to hear about this new cross platform update feature.

Also Read : Facebook Introduces Ticker And Top News Feed

We just hope that this indication from Facebook gets available for all the users soon.

Feel free to post you views as comments about this update from Facebook.
