Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lift, New Social Network From Twitter Founders

Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Jason Goldman co-founder of twitter are joining as investors and partners with tony stubblebine to release a new product "Lift"

Their company The Obvious Corporation revealed this information on their website as "Unlocking Potential"

They said "Tony Stubblebine and Jon Crosby have created an interesting new application for unlocking human potential through positive reinforcement. We love this software for what it does, and because we’ve tried it and it works. Our plan is to build something extraordinary together. The Obvious Corporation will assist the talented Lift team with strategy, design, funding, recruiting—in general, we’ll be helpful wherever possible. In exchange, Obvious will own some equity in Lift."

Stubblebine said "In 2001, I was working in St. Louis with an awesome team of web developers. One of those developers, Jon Crosby, ended up coming out to the Bay Area and working for some great companies: Songbird, EngineYard, and Path. We’ve kept up our friendship and have been looking for a chance to start a company together. Today, 10 years after our first job together, we’re joining forces to co-found Lift."

You can go on the beta link here Lift.

After signing up, you will receive an email as:

Hey there, thanks for signing up for the Lift Beta!
We're not ready to let people in yet, but when we are, we'll make sure you get an early invite.
What is Lift? We're interested in ways new technology can help unlock human potential, especially through the use of positive reinforcement. That's all we can tell you right now.
So, since we don't have a ton to tell you about Lift the product, here's a little bit about Lift the company:
We're a small San Francisco-based startup. There are three of us full time, Tony Stubblebine (me), Jon Crosby, and Connor Montgomery. We also have some part-time support from the folks at Obvious. If you want to get in touch with us, I'm probably the best person to reach:

Look forward to connecting with you again soon!

Tony Stubblebine

With the popularity and interest developing day by day in Social Networking no one wants to stay behind.

It seems we will soon get to see another social networking platform, but will it be able to attract users?

Answer is may be, only if it provides something new, interesting and user friendly.

What are your views on "Lift"
Do post comments.
