Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Facebook Introduces Ticker And Top News Feed
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As expected Facebook introduced some more features to take the user experience to next level. New Updates includes improvements over News Feed and introduction of Ticker.
Some very interesting updates were released from Facebook today, following the lines of Smart Lists and Subscribe feature.
Mark Tonkelowitz, Facebook introduced details of the new features to the users.
News Feed Updates
According to Mark, New News Feed will act more like your own personal newspaper. Introduction of top and interesting stories is what it points to. Now whenever you log in you will see all the Top and interesting stories at the top of the page. They're marked with an easy-to-spot blue corner.
If you don't Log-in that regularly in your account, this feature will remind you of all the top stories you might want to see so that you don't miss out anything important from your friends.
And if you Log-in regularly to your account you will find "recent stories" at top of the page.
If you see something that you don't like as top stories, hover over the right side, click the arrow and click 'Unmark as top story' from the menu.
New Ticker Feature
Facebook introduced a new real-time side bar for information flow from your friends.
It brings your conversations to life by displaying updates instantaneously, when an update is live on Ticker you can then join the conversation right away with your friends.
There is a grey slider bar on right corner of Ticker to adjust according to screen.
These updates are an attempt to make conversation more interactive on Facebook, as we see in Google+. Ticker can prove to be a great add-on for Facebook. We are waiting for feedback from users.
Do provide us some feedback.
Prachi Desai, Aayush Jindal - Author of this post, TheWebCrunch
Add her to your Circles in Google+ - Prachi Desai
Facebook Introduces Ticker And Top News Feed
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