Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bootstrap from Twitter for developing Web Apps

Twitter has released a new toolkit Bootstrap, a front-end toolkit for rapidly developing web applications.

Mark Otto posted on Twitter Developers Blog "We are happy to announce Bootstrap, a front-end toolkit for rapidly developing web applications. It is a collection of CSS and HTML conventions. It uses some of the latest browser techniques to provide you with stylish typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation and everything else you need in a super tiny (only 6k with gzip) resource."

The Experts says Bootstrap should be easy for any web designer or developer to implement. The Twitter development team also pointed out two important benefits.

They say Bootstrap is just CSS, but it's built with Less, a flexible pre-processor that offers much more power and flexibility than regular CSS. With Less, we gain a range of features like nested declarations, variables, mixins, operations, and color functions. Additionally, since Bootstrap is purely CSS when compiled via Less, we gain two important benefits:

First, Bootstrap remains very easy to implement; just drop it in your code and go. Compiling Less can be accomplished via Javascript, an unofficial Mac application, or via Node.js.

Second, once complied, Bootstrap contains nothing but CSS, meaning there are no superfluous images, Flash, or Javascript. All that remains is simple and powerful CSS for your web development needs.

These all are the benefits of using Bootstrap. Bootstrap is tested and supported in modern browsers like Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. Full support for some versions of Internet Explorer is in the works.

Bootstrap comes complete with compiled CSS, uncompiled, and example templates.

1. All original .less files
2. Fully compiled and minified CSS
3. Complete styleguide documentation
4. Example page template (more to come soon)

Download, fork, pull, file issues, and more with the official Bootstrap repo on Github.:

To know more click here.

Whats the Future:
Mark Otto in the post on blog said "We want to keep working on slimming down Bootstrap’s already tiny footprint while also increasing the breadth of what it covers."
Millions of web applications are created, so will Twitter's Bootstrap stand out as a development toolkit.

Our initial thoughts are yes, it provides very user friendly and very easy to implement code.

What are your thoughts, will you try Bootstrap?

Please share your views with us. Post comments.
